Nipples Jubilee Read online

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  "A few minutes ago I mentioned that my toy would be actively participating in our pleasure tonight."

  Without looking at her, he held the metal spike back so she could reach it. She looked at it for a moment. It was at least three times as thick as the holes in her nipples. And, though the tip seemed sharp enough to pierce steak cubes, it wasn’t nearly as sharp as the needles had been. The tiny holes in her nipples would be nothing more than pilot holes, but despite her concern, she took it without reservation.

  "Now you’ll see exactly what the proper training will do as she voluntarily skewers her own nipples as the next step in getting ready for my..." His pause was brief, but she thought he was about to say, "feast."


  When he finished talking, he simply nodded at her and stepped aside to watch with the others. She could no longer see his eyes, but she imagined they were both proud and hungry. With that thought girding her, Zoey looked again at the thick metal and at the small hole in the base of her right nipple. She had little doubt that forcing it though would make the pain she had suffered during her first piercing seem minor in comparison. Regardless, she didn’t hesitate to press the tip of the skewer against the hole.

  The stiff flesh refused to give easily to the thick spit. She pinched the firm at its base with her other hand, holding it tight as she pushed the skewer harder. After a moment, the metal stretched the hole and started moving through. The pain told her that there was more going on than simple stretching, though.

  When a small trickle of blood began to wind its way through the wrinkles below her nipple, Zoey gritted her teeth and paused. Before she gathered the courage to continue, her Master interrupted, stepping back up to her carrying a squeeze bottle filled with some kind of thick, purple fluid.

  "I almost forgot. My special sauce. Crushed raspberries and a little raspberry juice, some mint spices, and brandy." He tipped the bottle and let some of the violet liquid drip onto the end of the skewer and down the side of her nipple. As the cool mixture trickled, it mixed with the small amount of redness already there. They mingled until one became indistinguishable from the other, faintly burning her sensitive skin as it dripped.

  He stepped back beside the woman and her friend and watched with the others as Zoey started pushing again. Sharper pain shot through her breast, and she longed for the man that had been at her pussy before to come back. She tried to work the skewer in slowly, stretching the flesh around it, but found that it wouldn't be possible.

  As if having read her mind, her Master handed the big back massager he often used to force her orgasms to a member of the audience. Smiling, the man turned it on. Moments later, her pussy vibrated violently, her clit and inner folds crushed beneath the flat, mushroom-shaped head. Taking a deep breath, she pinched the base of her nipple and pushed.

  The skewer followed the same path as the smaller hole, but the stabbing pain and warm trickling down her breast told her that it wasn't doing so without a fight. For a second she closed her eyes, reciting her mantra and basking in the tingle building in her pussy. Just as she was starting to bring the pain in line, a sudden fire seemed to catch inside of her nipple as the spices and the alcohol in the purple sauce worked their way into flesh scraped raw by the skewer.

  Zoey's first reaction was to pull the skewer free, but despite the acidic burning that enveloped the tip of her breast, she managed to keep from doing so. She forced herself to concentrate on the almost bruising pressure between her legs. From somewhere, she heard her own quiet whimper and saw her Master start to move toward her.

  Fearing he’d be disappointed, she pushed harder, forcing the skewer deeper so he would be proud. It was halfway in, but the combination of the metal driving through her nipple and the fire of liquid spirits had started to make her feel faint. She felt sweat beading up on her forehead. With a force of will, she shoved again. The skewer rammed through until its tip stuck a full two inches out the opposite side.

  The agony of the effort had shocked her back from her dizzy spell. Still, the man with the vibrator was no amateur, and she felt another orgasm begin to boil inside her. Going from one extreme to the other, she almost panicked, not wanting to disappoint by coming too soon. She distracted herself by watching a stream of crimson trickle down her breast. She pushed the rod further, sliding it through her nipple until the sharp tip jabbed against her other breast.

  The extra pain did the trick, at least for the moment. She sucked in a deep breath and looked across the crowd. All eyes riveted on her, she even held the skeptics in thrall. She saw the approval in her Master's eyes as he added a squirt of sauce to her other nipple. Ignoring the chemical fire on a raw lash mark, she smiled. She had never seen him look so proud.

  It was that pride that inspired her as she imagined her nipples skewered and covered in his special sauce, ready for the fantasy to come true. She took her left breast in her left hand and pressed her nipple against the cool metal tip. With one brutal shove, she rammed the brochette into the tiny hole and out the other side.

  The pain of running the other nipple through had been nothing compared to this. In fact, nothing that her Master had ever done remotely compared. Panting, her mantra buzzing inside her head, she looked more closely and realized the skewer had come out below the piercing. She’d actually punctured a new hole through half her nipple and the tight crevices of areola at its base.

  Dizziness again threatened to overwhelm her and she threw her head back, her hands dropping to her sides. She caught herself, quickly cupping her breasts, breathing in short ragged gasps and silently whispering her chant over and over as if it were a lifeline.

  Eventually, she opened her eyes to the feeling of more cool fire being dribbled onto both nipples. Her Master's voice pressed her further.

  "Now, my pet will pull on the skewer and work my sauce in well, because she knows how it will please me."

  Zoey almost panicked. Just the pain from the steel spike itself was taking all her effort to control. The burning from the brandy and mint added to the agony until the vibrator was almost an annoyance. As if reading her mind, the man at her crotch set the vibrator aside and knelt low between her legs. He pressed her thighs further apart and all but devoured her pussy whole. While sucking hard on her clit and labia, he began darting his tongue in and out of her. In moments, she was pulling on the skewer, stretching her nipples out so the juices mingled and flowed into the angry holes until it felt as if she'd set them aflame.

  But, now, the pain was exquisite. She found herself having a very hard time keeping her eyes open, barely managing only because she could see her Master watching her with a rapt attention that she'd never seen before. Just the look alone made her ache to please him even more. She twisted the skewer, literally doubling her nipple and areola backward on itself, stretching the rod-enlarged holes wide.

  The crowd’s collective gasp was worth every moment of pain.

  While she tried to think of other innovative ways of pleasing her Master and his friends, the tongue between her legs did its job quite well, so well that Zoey could no longer concentrate. After a couple moments when the bliss outweighed the constant aching in her breasts, a sharp stinging jar burned her left butt cheek and brought her back to reality. Having gotten her attention, her Master handed her a huge lead weight.

  "No, pet, there's more for you to do before I let you enjoy yourself. Quite a bit more."

  Several men in the audience chuckled at the tolerant humor in his voice, but Zoey simply took the weight, one of several he held, and started to thread it onto the skewer.

  Her fingers had become so slippery from the fluids that coated her nipples and dribbled down her breasts that, for a split second, she lost her grip on the skewer. Her left nipple nearly slipped free. Before she took any of the other weights, she gingerly threaded it back up the skewer. Once she was done, she quickly slipped two more weights into place.

  She felt hazy, her system soaked with endorphins. She thought she probably co
uld have filled the entire thing with weight, and she doubted it would have made much difference. Regardless, after another few seconds of bliss thanks to the man between her legs, Zoey started stretching her nipples further, deliberately bouncing the weights, making her breasts jiggle, timing each tug with the rhythm of the tongue tapping at her clit.

  Her second orgasm was so strong she almost didn’t feel the combination of pains in her chest. It wasn’t until she was almost through that she heard a click and forced her eyes open to the quiet gas sound of a six-inch flame moving toward the center of the skewer.

  For the third time in the course of the exercise, Zoey almost gave in to her fear. Before she could, the mouth at her pussy became ravenous. Her orgasm plateaued, but never really stopped. She instinctively arched her back, thrusting her skewered breasts forward. She could hear, between her moans, the flame searing the liquids coating the steel rod. The heat began to warm her nipples from the inside. She concentrated on the intense feeling in her loins before the real burning became intolerable.

  Just as she started to fear the sizzling might become more than just cooking the liquids on the rod and the pain began overpowering the pleasure, her Master moved the lighter. He danced it across the exposed surfaces of her nipples and areola, skillfully moving it around so it didn't quite draw a scream even when the mixture of juices burst into flame until the brandy quickly burned off.

  Zoey was surprised that the fire hadn’t hurt more. She was almost disappointed, in fact. She wanted so much for her master to derive the ultimate pleasure from this that she stuck her tits out as far as she could and deliberately thrust her nipple into the flame. Before he could react, agony enveloped her breast, and she felt herself start to swoon.

  A sudden, almost painful contraction squeezed her lower belly, catching her off guard. Her eyes flew wide as a hard, burning tingle stronger than any orgasm she had before consumed her pussy and boiled back through her.

  A scream she barely recognized as her own filled her ears. Her climax rolled with such force she screamed again. By then, her master had yanked the flame back, but the combination of fiery pain and tummy-wrenching pleasure was more than she could take. Her ears started ringing and the world started going white, and then both the pain and the pleasure faded as the dark warmth of unconsciousness took her.


  Zoey woke to find her Master standing over her, his eyes filled with love and concern. The woman and man stood behind him. Zoey’s first response was to give him a slight, reassuring smile, letting him know she was ready for more, for anything else he needed from her. It took a little bit before she could gain the strength to stand, though it appeared her audience couldn't have cared less. They watched her in awe, and their eyes showed a renewed respect for her Master as he helped her up and led her silently to their walnut play table.

  With the slightest touch on her arm, he guided her to the single chair and pressed her down into it. She leaned over so the undersides of her breasts rested on the smooth, cool table top. She held still while he fastened her wrists into one of several pairs of manacles bolted into the outside edges of the table. She couldn’t possibly pull her breasts back, not that she wanted to. She was quite familiar with this chair, and this position, as he had used both often, generally when his intent was to nail her nipples though the piercing holes and/or whip the tops of her breasts.

  Given the fact her nipples were already far more pierced and a steady throbbing and burning already swathed her breasts, that hardly seemed to be the punishment that would come next. Even as he attached a chain to either side of the skewer and stretched her nipples and breasts further across the table, she couldn't figure out what he had in mind—though his tortures always became rougher until he finally took her at the peak of her tolerance.

  It wasn't until he took the hunting knife from a sheath at his ankle that the reality of what he was doing dawned on her. And, though that reality filled her with a mixture of fear and dread that topped all of the concerns she'd felt in the minutes past, there was a part of her—a large part of her— that welcomed the fact that her Master might finally take what he'd always wanted.

  The fact that he was going to use his knife, however, disappointed her. He'd always seemed to so enjoy biting her, and she’d often fantasized about what it would be like for him to use his teeth to do what he always seemed so eager to do.

  Regardless, once he’d stretched her breasts into cones and her aching nipples hovered over the hard wooden cutting surface, he pressed the sharpened blade down onto the pain swollen and puffy areola above her tight nipple. His voice was soft, though easily loud enough for his captivated audience to hear.

  "Now, my pet, do you want your Master to have the dessert you know he's always wanted?"

  She didn't hesitate as she risked looking into his eyes. "Yes, sir. Oh, yes!"

  The knife blade slipped lower, catching against the base of her nipple and pressing it down toward the table. As pain-wracked as the stretched nub already was, she hardly felt the razor thin edge bite.

  "Can you swear to me, in front of all these people, that it is your only desire for me to have you as I want?"

  Again, she replied without hesitation despite the fear that was coursing through her. "Yes, Master. I want nothing more than for you to have the dessert you've always wanted. My body is yours, Sir."

  The blade pressed harder, pinning the burning nub against the wood. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to slow her breathing, praying she wouldn't embarrass him during his moment of glory. She waited for the slash to happen, for the final cut. But, as with the flame minutes earlier, the pressure of the blade went away instead.

  She opened her eyes and looked up into her owner’s as he smiled down at her.

  "You’ve done well, my pet." He turned back to the crowd. "And, as such, I see no reason to use this..." He lifted the knife dramatically and turned it for all to see. "...impersonal tool to make you prove your loyalty."

  The beer-bellied man frowned and stepped up to her Master. She heard his words, even if the crowd didn’t. “You’re going off script.”

  Her Master raised a brow and glanced past the man to the woman. She was gazing at Zoey’s breasts. The tip of her tongue caressed her lips and she put a hand on her partner’s shoulder. “It’s alright, I’ve approved this. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.”

  Obviously on cue, two men stepped forward, one to each of Zoey's sides. After unhooking the manacles and chains, they laid her backward and lifted her bodily into the air. They carried her up and over the table then laid her gently across it. Once she was face up, they pulled her arms up over her head and manacled her wrists one end of the table. Then they shackled her ankles so her legs parted wide.

  Her Master took off his hood. His smile was broad as he slowly unbuckled his belt. "It's been much too long since I planned this day."

  His cargo pants dropped to his feet and he stepped out of them. His cock was rock hard, bouncing with each heartbeat, larger than she'd ever imagined it could get. He had a look of expectation on his face unlike any she had seen before. She followed his gaze from the moist cleft between her legs to her breasts, their nipples rock hard with whites covered in purple and red, some of it new and slowly dripping down the curves.

  His eyes locked on her left nipple, the one he generally gave the most attention to when he finally gave her the honor of behind had by him. Several times in the past, he had bitten her so hard the bruises and purple teeth marks lasted weeks, but he'd never gone further, even though she knew she could take more, and even though she knew he longed to do so. It was the only time she knew he held back.

  "You've done very well, my dear.”

  His proud smile was radiant as he lifted a large, sauce-filled measuring bowl by the handle and tilted it over her left breast. She watched the thick sauce pour from the spout. Then she gasped, surprised, as it spread over her nipple and flowed across the tip of her breast. It was cold, painfully so, far co
lder than the ice or snow he’d used on her in the past.

  As he slowly covered her swollen breasts with the purple sauce, her nipples puckered painfully, looking more like ripe raspberries than ever and blending with the fruit. Her areola drew into tight labyrinths of thick meat. The skin on her breasts felt as if it had become frozen football leather. She bit back a moan as a dull, burning pain began to work its way deep. When the brandy and mint started to sear the raw lash marks and cuts, she closed her eyes and began reciting her mantra in her head.

  A little bit after Master was through pouring, she opened her eyes again, having brought the pain under control. The woman stood beside the table watching sauce slide down the curves nearest her. She was nude save for her spiked heels and a very expensive diamond necklace with matching earrings. Even with her laugh lines, the slight sag in her otherwise beautiful, hard-tipped breasts, and the slight trace of a belly that suggested a child or two, she was lovely.

  For a moment, Zoey wondered why the woman’s partner just stood off to one side, taking in the entire scene.

  Her Master’s voice interrupted. “This is our benefactor, the person paying for all this. I thought it would be a nice idea if we share dessert with her.” He looked at Zoey’s sauce-covered breasts and smiled. “So…what do you think I should call the wonderful treat, my darling?"

  Zoey hesitated, wondering if he truly meant to have her breasts as everything suggested. The look of desire and raw sexual hunger on his face all but answered the question for her. Though she couldn’t quite still the fear or the hammering of her heart, just the thought of what they were about to do made her pussy buzz and her pain-filled nipples tighten even more.

  She glanced at the fireplace lighter that lay on the table to the right of her head, thinking about the flickering blue flame that danced over her nipples a few minutes earlier. Now that she had a moment to breathe, she remembered what it had reminded her of—the flaming desserts he used to buy her after steak and lobster, before his money had dried up.